Businesses can count on Robinson Caddy Law to fulfill the functions of a general counsel across a range of legal issues. We provide thorough, assertive, and cost effective services. Viewing problems through our clients’ eyes, we develop a strategy with a business focus, collaborating with our clients, to produce the best possible outcome.

Your Lawyer will represent your interests in court as well as analyze your case for the possibility of early resolution. We accomplish this through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or any other alternative dispute resolution procedure that will advance your interests in a prompt and efficient manner.

Your lawyer investigates, negotiates and litigates in your best interest, in practice areas such as:
Business Licenses
Breach of Contract
Breach of warranty
Claims of breach of fiduciary duty
Claims of Fraud
Commercial Real Estate Disputes
Compensation disputes
Complex Business Litigation
Construction Law Issues
Declatory action
Florida Deceptive Trade Practices Act (FDUPTA)
Home owners association disputes
Insurance Bad Faith
Insurance Fraud
Landlord tenant issues
New Business Filings
Wrongful Death
Product Liability
Residential and Commercial Construction Defects

To schedule a consultation call (954) 399-2746.

The professionalism and work ethic of Sue Ann is insurmountable. Her knowledge of the legal system and willingness to get the job done puts her top. I am so grateful to use her services and will continue to do so. Thank you Sue Ann for everything.

Kristal Branton

Had a disastrous legal situation. Robinson Caddy Law Group came in and handled the judge and other lawyers with swift decisive action. It was like having a real life Olivia Pope. I met with the team, we went through all relevant data and they immediately went to work. What stood out the most was their knowledge. They were able to figure out my win within minutes.
When spending money on a legal team, I only go with the best - Robinson Caddy Law Group.

Irwin Miller

I am completely satisfied with the professionalism with which our case was handled. Ms. Robinson-Caddy even performed the due diligence and legwork for the co-defendants lawyer. The case was completed quickly and efficiently. I highly recommend the firm and I will use them again if I need to.

Iris Gallego